Allegiant Stadium Seating Chart: What Is The Super Bowl LVIII Seating Plan At Allegiant Stadium?

Louisiana Sports Betting
Louisiana Sports Betting

Super Bowl LVIII takes center stage at the Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas, Nevada on Sunday night. The Allegiant Stadium is the home of the Las Vegas Raiders, but what is the Super Bowl LVIII seating plan and the Allegiant Stadium seating plan?

Allegiant Stadium Seating Chart

Super Bowl LVIII is upon us, as the San Francisco 49ers face the Kansas City Chiefs at the Allegiance Stadium in Las Vegas, Nevada.

12 months ago it was Patrick Mahomes and his Chiefs teammates who tasted Super Bowl success, but this time they are the underdogs with the best NFL betting sites. Will Travis Kelce and his Chiefs side go back-to-back, or will the 49ers win a record sixth Super Bowl and their first since 1994?

As previously mentioned, the Allegiant Stadium takes center stage for Super Bowl LVIII. The state-of-the-art stadium hosts the Super Bowl for the first time since it was built. The Allegiant Stadium has a capacity of 65,000, with the option to extend it to around 72,000. This will likely be the case for Super Bowl LVIII.

With around 70,000 NFL fans set to pile into the Allegiant Stadium, that begs the question of what is the Allegiant Stadium seating chart? The Allegiant Stadium seating chart indicates various different levels of seating.

In total there are six different levels of seating, according to the Allegiant Stadium seating chart. These six levels are the 000 Level, 050 Level, 100 Level, 150 Level, 200 Level and the 300 Level.

As you can see from the chart below, the Allegiant Stadium is one of the best stadiums in all of the United States. The below Allegiant Stadium seating chart shows the different levels of the stadium, as well as the different sections with a total capacity of 65,000.

Allegiant Stadium Seating Chart

Super Bowl LVIII Seating Plan At Allegiant Stadium

The Allegiant Stadium seating plan for Super Bowl LVIII will likely be exactly the same as it usually is for Las Vegas Raiders matches. As the stadium is used on a regular basis for the Raiders’ home NFL matches, the Allegiant Stadium seating chart will be replicated for the 2024 Super Bowl.

As you can see from the seating plan and chart, ticket prices will vary depending on where abouts a fans seat is inside the Allegiant Stadium. According to ticket resale site ‘Seat Geek‘ the average Super Bowl LVII ticket price is around $12,000, with the cheapest ticket set at $9,500.

These ticket prices are rather expensive, but of course include seeing Usher’s Super Bowl LVIII half-time show. Most notably, Super Bowl tickets are reported to be up around 35% on last year and you can see how Super Bowl ticket prices have increased over the last 10 years.

As well as the hefty ticket prices, the Allegiant Stadium are also catering for the mega-rich with $700,000 field-level private booths. Courtesy of Wynn Field Club, check out this exclusive booth ahead of Super Bowl LVIII at the Allegiant Stadium.

The San Francisco 49ers have been listed as marginal favourites in the early betting for Super Bowl LVIII and you can find our latest picks for the 49ers vs Chiefs Super Bowl finale here.

Be sure to claim the various sports betting apps offers and NFL free bets available on the SportsLens site ahead of Super Bowl LVIII.

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