NFL Draft: 3 Things We Learned From Roger Goodell Interview

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rsz 200901183723 roger goodell file

Ahead of the 2023 Draft, NFL commissioner Roger Goodell sat down with ESPN’s Mike Greenberg for an interview on the state of the league, as he typically does during the hours leading up to the first round.

Goodell touched on a number of topics, and here are three things we learned from the segment:

3 Things We Learned From Rodger Goodell Interview

The NFL is taking sports gambling seriously

One of the topics that Goodell and Greenberg touched on was the aspect of sports gambling, and the players that had recently been suspended for betting on other sports. The commissioner pointed out that the NFL did not choose this, and that it was the Supreme Court’s decision to legalize the gambling, and that the league has had to adjust accordingly.

Goodell went on to say that the NFL teaches its players that the integrity of the game is the most important thing, and that when the line is crossed, they won’t be afraid to hand down a punishment.

“We’re making a stand on the integrity of the game, and we’re not slacking on any way in enforcement of that.”

Goodell wants to keep working as commissioner

Greenberg then asked Goodell about the rumored extension that he is working on in order to remain the commissioner of the NFL. When asked if he’d given any thought to how much longer he’d like to keep his current position, Goodell chuckled before deflecting a bit. He told Greenberg that he loved his job, and that an extension had been discussed. “If that’s possible, great,” he stated.

Roger Goodell has been the commissioner since 2006, and will have held the position longer than anyone other than Pete Rozelle should he receive the talked about contract extension.

Star player movement is good for the league

One of the newest revelations in the NFL has been star players changing teams, which has been seen more in other sports than in football. Goodell answered by saying that the league has limits on free agency for a reason, and that teams and the league alike do not want to see wholesale free agency become a thing.

But about the star player movement and changing of teams, he says that the NFL doesn’t have a problem with it. “Obviously, Jets fans are thrilled,” Goodell joked, which made noted Jets fan Greenberg laugh. He goes on to say that the fans love it, as it can re-energize a fan base.

Goodell wrapped up the interview by saying he was looking forward to all of the boos, as has become tradition at the NFL Draft.

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