LOOK: New York Giants Have Incredible New Draft Room

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The NFL Draft is a long, intricate process that spans over three days. During that time, team leaders and general managers are using every possible second in order to make the correct decisions for their franchises, and usually doing so in a collective “draft room”. For the New York Giants, they’ll be making their picks from a brand-new, state-of-the-art facility.

New York Giants Unveil Brand New Draft Room

The Giants have been unveiling the details on their new draft digs via their social media accounts, and it looks incredible. The room is 1,200 square feet that are dedicated strictly to the draft process. There are 42 flat-screen TVs, which are all controlled by a central unit and have quick-jump settings to make the player selection process quick and seamless.

The team feels like they are ready for any scenario with the technology that is present in the new room. Everything is digitized with the push of a button, making reaction time minimal in a process where time is of the essence. Pressing a button labeled “Draft Mode” automatically brings up the draft board on the front screen, and puts ESPN and NFL Network broadcasts on the sides.

It is quite the change and advancement from what we have seen from previous draft rooms. Old, grainy footage of NFL Drafts of years’ past show two guys with thick rimmed glasses sifting through piles of paperwork in order to find their next prospect. Even far more recently, we had the 2020 Draft during the Covid pandemic, where we saw coaches and general managers drafting from their kitchen tables with their dogs and children in the chairs next to them.

The 2023 NFL Draft will be a busy one for the New York Giants, but it won’t be until the later rounds when they find themselves on the clock rather often. Their first round pick doesn’t come until #25 thanks to their on-field success last season. They will be looking to add players to the passing game, both offensively and defensively, as wide receiver and cornerback are two of the most pressing needs for the team to address.

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