NBA Betting Picks for Free – Bet on NBA With Expert Picks and Tips

With every NBA team playing a minimum of 82 games per season, basketball bettors are rarely short of basketball action to wager on. But with such a huge volumes of games taking place every week, how are you supposed to keep on top of form, fitness and other issues that might impact your selections? Taking advantage of expert NBA picks minimizes the hard work and offers you a variety of betting insights in every game.

If you’re looking for NBA picks today then we’ve got you covered. This guide tells you everything you need to know about NBA betting picks and how you can use predictions to find value bets and maximize your potential returns. You will be able to spot profitable angles across a range of betting types, including spreads, over/unders and moneylines, as well as learn how to create your own NBA picks based on data and forecast strategies from the pros.

Latest NBA Picks

What are NBA Picks?

NBA picks and parlay predictions are suggestions about an event outcome or game result / score in basketball. Picks come in a variety of formats and provide you with insightful information to assist you when placing NBA wagers. You can get free NBA picks along with some that require a subscription from a variety of sources, which we will go into more detail in the next segment. An example of an NBA pick is to bet on Chris Paul of the Golden State Warriors as a player prop having the most steals during a game. Another NBA pick is a moneyline bet on the Sacramento Kings beating the Los Angeles Lakers.

NBA Picks

NBA picks can be useful as they are often provided by sources that have more knowledge and experience than the average basketball fan. They can also incorporate data that is researched manually or compiled from historical trends and statistics. This gives you the opportunity to increase your chances of landing a successful bet. You can also gain an advantage over the bookmaker who sets the initial odds or price, which may be considered too high or too low from the true odds, especially in niche markets like HT/FT betting.

How to Find the Best NBA Picks Today

Some of the best NBA picks today come from a variety of sources and third parties as outlined in the sections below. Alongside betting guides, we provide daily NBA expert picks that assist you with your predictions when placing team and player bets at regulated and offshore sportsbooks. Popularity and huge demand from basketball fans has resulted in the market being congested with free NBA picks available, alongside predictions that are exchanged for money either as a one-off fee or subscription.

Search Online For NBA Picks

Search online using a reputable search engine for NBA picks and receive a ton of results from websites and social media channels. You can browse and filter the best NBA picks that you feel are trustworthy and will bring success.

Browse NBA Forums

Browse forums and interact with fellow pro basketball fans to discuss predictions and forecasts. Forums are a brilliant way to gather NBA consensus picks based on trends and public opinion.

Bookmark NBA Pick Sites

Find and bookmark NBA pick sites, like Sportslens, to receive expert predictions and value bets on a daily basis. Whether you’re looking to bet on the NBA Championship winner, MVP or the Eastern / Western Conference winner, you will find plenty of outcome and result projections.

NBA Tipsters

NBA tipsters are expert basketball handicappers and forecasters that can have a wealth of knowledge in the sport. They may sell their insights and predictions or offer free NBA picks depending on how established and successful they are.

Sportsbooks NBA Handicappers

A number of sportsbook operators employ tipsters that provide NBA expert picks and predictions, particularly for moneyline betting. You can use the information to make informed decisions about where to place your money.



Hear what the pros and former pros have to say on TV shows before and during games. With pre-game and live betting readily available, you can use NBA picks to lock-in your wager within seconds.

How to Create Your Own NBA Picks

NBA picks are all about identifying opportunities for landing successful bets. While the majority of basketball fans will search for expert tipsters and handicappers, you can create your own NBA picks today and shake the reliance of others.


Check out the form of the pro teams you are looking to bet on over a specific period of time. You can make a note of form milestones to create NBA picks based on the past three, five, ten or more games. While recent form is a good indicator of how a team is performing, it’s worth looking for peaks and drops in form throughout the season, such as when playing home or away.


Injuries to key players can drastically affect a team’s performance and provide you with opportunities to create lucrative NBA picks that may go under the radar. Just one star player being injured can affect the odds and crucial betting market outcomes such as total points, spread and moneyline odds.

NBA Data Analysis

BetUS NBA Data Analysis

Data analysis in basketball betting is an effective way to spot an opportunity to place a wager without any bias or personal views. Essentially, NBA computer picks or manually compiled statistics allow sports fans to bet with their heads rather than their hearts. You can view all kinds of useful stats on the official NBA website, including points per game, rebounds per game and steals per game. All of which can be extremely helpful when browsing odds and adding selections to your bet slip.

NBA Matchups

Look at matchups between teams and players to assist you when creating your own free NBA picks. Rival team and player matchups can help identify value bets that can return a tasty profit. Such as when LeBron James faces off against Stephen Curry. Point Guard and Shooting Guard matchups can also be crucial in creating lucrative NBA picks experts would be proud of.


Some of the best NBA picks come from head-to-head games between two rivals that are known for putting on a show-stopping performance. Like when the New York Knicks play against the Brooklyn Nets. Look at previous games and see how the teams have fared up against each other in the past. Take into consideration the results of playing at both home and away and see how it affects the performance and outcome. Some games are also known for producing above-average scorelines, whereas others produce a dead heat making NBA score predictions more obvious.

NBA Team News

The 82-game NBA season can take its toll on teams each season, by keeping up with the latest team news, you can get the latest updates and insights as they happen. With congested fixtures and often back to back games in a particular game-week, players can be rested and rotated. Bringing about opportunities to lock in NBA picks and parlays with value odds that are yet to be adjusted by the sportsbook due to a particular circumstance.

Become An NBA Expert

It’s difficult to become an expert bettor creating NBA betting picks without sharpening your knowledge and mastering the game. Take time to watch as many games as you can and keep up with every air ball, reversal, steal and foul. Learn to recognize trends and record your own data to become a true NBA master.

Different Types of NBA Betting Picks

There are a number of different types of NBA betting picks that you can use to make informed decisions about where your money will go. Whether you’re betting during the regular season or the off-season including the NBA Summer League, the type of picks you use may vary. Below are the most common NBA picks found in professional basketball.

NBA Spread Picks

Placing a point spread bet using NBA spread picks is one of the most common in basketball betting. NBA sportsbooks assign a point spread with odds that determines how many points the favorite might win the game by. Or by how many points the underdog can lose by. You can bet on NBA picks against the spread (ATS), or cover the spread depending on your preferences and the value of the bet. Some bettors use NBA computer picks and data analysis to identify potential ATS pick opportunities. Learn more about sharp betting via a our free guide.

NBA Totals Picks

Total picks are also known as NBA over/under picks and represent the total number of points to be scored in a single game. Once the sportsbook sets the line, odds are typically assigned -110 on both sides. You can use these NBA betting picks to wager on whether you think the total combined score from both teams will be over or under the sportsbook’s prediction.

NBA Moneyline Picks

NBA betting relating to which team will win the game is available at sportsbooks with moneyline odds. You can use NBA moneyline picks to see which team is most likely to win (usually the favorite) and bet accordingly. These picks are released on a game-by-game basis and generally include overtime, meaning you are picking the overall winner of the match-up even if it is a tie at the end of regular time.

NBA Futures Picks

BetOnline NBA Futures Picks

NBA futures picks are predictions for events and games whose outcome will be decided in the future. These picks are popular when betting on some of the most successful teams in the NBA, such as the Los Angeles Lakers and Boston Celtics, which are the leagues leading NBA Championship winners. Depending on the time of the year, you will be able to view picks on who will win the NBA Championship, NBA Summer League, Eastern Conference and Western Conference. There are also a variety of NBA picks for the new NBA In-Season Tournament, along with NBA draft picks for the new season.

NBA Prop Picks

Avoid the headache of looking for NBA score predictions and wagering on game outcomes, and place a series of side bets instead. You can use NBA prop picks to bet on game-based and player-based scenarios, such as the margin of victory, race to ten points, number of points, assists, rebounds and steals by a specific player.

NBA Parlay Picks

NBA parlay picks and predictions include multiple selections that can really bump up the overall odds and potential returns. They can be lucrative due to the fact they are tied to the same bet and multiply your winnings. For a bet to win, all picks on your bet slip must be successful, which is why they are not as common as outright single wagers. However, you can use NBA consensus picks and observe public opinion on multiple games to craft the perfect parlay.

How to Sign Up and Bet on NBA Picks

Signing up to a sportsbook site and betting on NBA picks is easy and straightforward. You can do it in a few simple steps and be ready to bet within minutes. In the steps below, we have used BetOnline, which is one of the best sportsbooks online and our top recommended operator for NBA picks today and in the future. Although the layout and design of sportsbook websites vary, the process is generally the same.

Step 1: Visit Sportsbook

Visit BetOnline and look for the Register or Join button to load the registration form.

BetOnline Homepage

Step 2: Register

Enter your details into the registration form to create a new betting account.

BetOnline Registration Form

Step 3: Verify and Deposit

Verify your account using the required information and visit the Banking or Cashier section of the site to make a first deposit.

BetOnline Deposit

Step 4: Start Betting

Once you’ve added funds to your account, you are ready to start betting on NBA moneyline picks and others including spread, totals, props and futures.

NBA Picks


What is the most accurate predictor of NBA results?

The ESPN Forecast system is one of the most accurate predictors of NBA results, along with the SportsLens website, where you can browse a selection of researched-backed NBA picks against the spread, moneyline, over/under and totals.

What is the best site for basketball tips?

SportsLens is the best site for basketball tips including NCAA and NBA picks. You'll find a variety of types available to assist with your wagers including NBA parlay picks, futures, spread and totals.

How do you read NBA picks?

NBA moneyline picks always come with a plus and minus sign, representing the underdog and favorite in a head-to-head contest respectively. This is also true for spread and totals markets too, indicating how likely an outcome is to happen.

How do you win when betting on basketball?

You can win by betting on basketball in a variety of ways and correctly predicting the outcome of a game or scenario, including spread, totals and moneyline. You can also use NBA expert picks to maximize your chances of being profitable long term.

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