Butt Slapping Contest: MMA Fans Joke That Dana White “About To Invest”

Screenshot 2023 04 12 at 16.59.51
Screenshot 2023 04 12 at 16.59.51

A recent video of a new butt slapping contest circulating the internet has left MMA fans around the world amazed as one joked Dana White will invest after seeing it. 

The video has gone viral over Twitter, and MMA fans have been enjoying it, and making plenty of jokes.

Above you can see two competitors slapping each other’s buts, and the winner is determined by the loudest and most satisfying slap.

It’s been causing quite the stir online with many expressing their amusement for the clip. Some have even suggested UFC president Dana White will invest in the Butt Slapping league.

This comes after the UFC top-dog had invested in a Power Slap League, so it would make sense for White to invest in this particular league too. The Power Slap League is a competition where those competing slap each other in the face.

It gained interest on social media earlier on in the year when the UFC president invested in it. The league has soon become a hugely popular attraction. Thousands have been viewing the slapping matches each time they air live on TV.

One MMA fan on Twitter hilariously claimed it was better than Power Slap.


It could be a bright future for professionals in butt slapping if Dana White actually invests in the sport. If it’s anything like the Power Slap League, it’s got every chance.

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