Footballers in Films

The two latest Soccerlens podcasts [1, 2] have seen Clarkey & Spraggy trying to tickle your funny bone with their suggestions for the film remakes they’d like to see football folk in.

It’s been a hit-and-miss feature so far, so we’re asking you to put the dynamic duo out of their misery and come up with some genuinely funny offerings.

You’ve already been propping up the show with some suggestions but we desperately need more or Clarkey & Spraggy will inflict more of their own on an unsuspecting world. And no-one wants that.

Here’s what they’ve been able to muster between them so far…

Joleon LescottScarface
Arsene WengerHow To lose Friends & Alienate People
Stan CollymoreRear Window
Aaron LennonCatch Me If You Can
Malcolm Glazer and Tom HicksAmerica Gangster(s)
van-der-sar-rioEdwin van der SarBlame It On Rio
Tony Pulis & James BeattieThe Break-Up
Craig BellamyFight Club
Andy ReidRun Fat Boy Run
Jonathan WoodgateThe Man Who Knew Too Little
Didier DrogbaVertigo(Ferdinand)

Michael OwenThe Comeback Kid
Alan Hutton[Mini-Me in] Austin Powers
Brad FriedelAmerican Beauty

If you think you can do better (and let’s face it, the bar hasn’t been set that high), email your gems to and Clarkey & Spraggy will feature them on next week’s show.

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