Mourinho says Wenger is a ‘specialist’ in failure


When he returned for the second time in England, Jose Mourinho claimed that he is a changed and a happy one, but it seems, his nature of engaging in war-of-words hasn’t completely left him.


We all know, he loves to play mind-games and he has started to play it again. Mourinho has taken this to a new height by describing his Arsenal counterpart as a “specialist in failure”, albeit earlier in the season he claimed to “show my respect always.”

Earlier in the day, Wenger claimed that it is an open title race, where the Gunners are very much in it. But, at the same time, insisted that it is Chelsea’ to lose, as they are leading the race at the moment.

Wenger reacted to Mourinho’s claim that Arsenal will not have any excuse, if they fail to win the title this season, by saying the Portuguese has a “fear of failure.”

Mourinho now said as quoted by ESPN: “He’s a specialist in failure. I am not.

“The reality is he’s a specialist because eight years without a piece of silverware, that is failure.

“If Mr Abramovich gives me eight years… In eight years you have to build so much, so much, so much. I don’t want eight years.

“I just want my four years of contract and, after that, to deserve or not deserve the next contract.”

Mourinho has tried to play mind games with every other contender and was involved with an exchange of mind-games with Pellegrini earlier this season.

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